Senin, 03 November 2014

Pengertian Sistem File GNU/Linux dan Cara kerja File

Memahami File GNU/Linux

file gnu
file gnu

Pada sebuah komputer,seluruh informasi yang tersimpan di dalam media penyimpanan seperti hardisk, disket, flash drive, dll adalah sebuah file. Pada GNU/Linux, seluruh program, dokumen,konfigurasi system-seluruhnya tersimpan ratusan atau bahkan ribuan file. Semuanya terorganisasi dalam sebuah file system (file system) GNU/Linux. System file GNU/Linux berbeda dengan system file yang di gunakan oleh sistem operasi lain seperti MS Windows atau Machintos.
Seluruh perangkat hard drive di pandang sebagai sebuah file. GNU/Linux menggunakan 3 tipe utama dari objek sebagai media penyimpanan informasi,yaitu:
Filesfile-file yang menjalankan program disebut dengan file executable atau file biner. File biner biasanya diletakan pada direktori/bin (singkatan dari binary), atau di direktori /sbin (singkatan dari system binaries).
Links- penunjuk ke file lain.
 Directories- Kumpulan file,links, dan direktori lain.
Memahami Nama File yang Digunakan GNU/Linux
Penamaan file,links, dan dorektori GNU/Linux mengikuti aturan berikut.
1. Tidak boleh lebih dari 256 karakter dan nama path/direktori tidak boleh lebih dari 4096.
2. Case sensitive, GNU/Linux membedakan karakter huruf besar dan kecil. Misalkan ‘data’ akan             berbeda dengan ‘DATA’.
3. Dapat menggunakan huruf maupun angka. Namun, untuk menghindari kesalahan penulisan                 sebaiknya tidak menggunakan karakter ‘#’ karena kalimat setelah karakter tersebut akan dianggap       komentar.
4. Menggunakan slash forward (/) untuk identifikasi sebuah direktori.
Memahami Eksistensi File GNU/Linux
GNU/Linux dapat membaca eksistensi file dari system operasi lain seperti jpg untuk file gambar, html untuk file web, doc untuk word processor Microsoft Windows, dll. Penjelasan tentang eksistensi file yang digunakan Debian GNU/Linux sebagai berikut.
.bz2     File kompresi dengan menggunakan kompresi bzip2.
.gz       File kompresi dengan menggunakan kompresi gzip
.c         File yang ditulis dalam bahasa C.
.conf    File konfigurasi GNU/Linux
.deb     Paket instalasi Debian GNU/Linux.
.lock    File yang terkunci demi untuk menghindari pemakaian oleh file lain.
.so        Objek share(pustaka atau modul).
.src      File source code yang ditulis dalam plain text, file tersebut harus dikompilasi terlebih dahulu sebelum menggunakannya.
.tar      File yang berisi bundelan/kumpulan file lain yang dijadikan satu.
.tar.gz File bundelan yang terkompresi dalam format gz.
Pada GNU/Linux, terdapat beberapa tipe file seperti executable file, system data file, dan user data file. Beberapa perbedaan yang ada antara lain:
Executable file-          File-file ini berisi instruksi program untuk dijalankan oleh system. Program dan skrip merupakan executable file.
System data file-        File-file ini berisi informasi yang digunakan oleh program atau skrip. Biasanya digunakan oleh administrator dan para programmer untuk menjalankan program secara berlainan.
User data file-            File-file ini berisi teks dan data yang dibuat oleh user.
Secara default GNU/Linux dapat mengenali secara otomatis seluruh tipe file sehingga tidak perlu lagi bersusah payah dengan tipe filenya.
Sumber :

Minggu, 12 Oktober 2014

Cara Mengubah Koneksi Smartfren Andromax Dari GSM ke CDMA

Cara Mengaktifkan Data GSM Pada Smartfren Andromax
Pembahasan pada posting kali ini sebenarnya sangat sama dengan posting beberapa waktu lalu, yaitu Cara Menggunakan Internet Dengan GSM Pada Andromax. Namun judulnya terkesan menjadi seperti berbeda.
Rumusan masalahnya adalah, Bagaimana cara agar pengguna Smartfren Andromax Dual SIM Card bisa mengakses internet dengan menggunakan GSM? Sudah saya bagikan salah satu caranya pada posting lalu. Alasan saya membuat posting seperti ini lagi karena masih saja ada yang mengalami kendala dan kegagalan saat mencoba cara pada posting lalu. Selain itu, untuk cara yang akan saya bagikan kali ini, menggunakan aplikasi yang berbeda, namun dengan prinsip kerja yang sama. Jika pada posting lalu menggunakan Aplikasi AnyCut, namun sekarang menggunakan aplikasi Andromax Tools. Dari nama aplikasinya, Andromax Tools lebih mudah dan lebih mecing jika digunakan.

Ayo bagi sobat yang gagal pakai aplikasi AnyCut, silakan coba pakai Andromax Tools. Silakan ikuti langkah-langkahnya berikut ini, dan semoga berhasil.
1. Download aplikasi Andromax Tools v1.8 (klik disini!!!).
2. Installkan aplikasi Andromax Tools di Andromax sobat.
3. Buka aplikasi Andromax Tools, sobat akan melihat beberapa setelan SIM di sana.
4. Pilih opsi Switch SIM, untuk memilih SIM mana yang akan diaktifkan | CDMA/GSM.

Cara Mengaktifkan Data GSM Pada Smartfren Andromax

5. Hilangkan RUIM/Sub1 pada CDMA. Selanjutnya klik OK.

Cara Mengaktifkan Data GSM Pada Smartfren Andromax

6. Centang bagian Boost Signal untuk memperkuat/mengoptimalkan sinyal GSM.
7. Pilih opsi Request network data type. Kemudian pilih jaringan apa yang tersedia di Andromax sobat untuk GSM (biasanya masih Edge).

Cara Mengaktifkan Data GSM Pada Smartfren Andromax

8. Setelan akses data akan dimatikan, maka hidupkan kembali.

Cara Mengaktifkan Data GSM Pada Smartfren Andromax

9. Coba cek opsi Edit APN. Karena RUIM CDMA mati, maka APNs yang digunakan otomatis berpindah ke GSM.

Cara Mengaktifkan Data GSM Pada Smartfren Andromax

10. Silakan sobat coba membuka pada Web Browser. Maka sobat telah mengakses internet menggunakan GSM pada Smartfren Andromax Dual SIM Card, yang ditandai dengan muncul ikon akses data GPRS/EDGE.

Cara Mengaktifkan Data GSM Pada Smartfren Andromax

Selesai, semoga yang gagal saat menggunakan aplikasi AnyCut dapat berhasil dengan Andromax Tools.
Untuk menghidupkan kembali sinyal CDMA, caranya mudah. Buka Andromax Tools, pilih opsi Switch SIM, beri centang pada RUIM/Sub1 bagian CDMA, maka sinyal CDMA akan muncul kembali.

Sumber :

Kamis, 02 Oktober 2014

Merubah tampilan Kali Linux seperti Backtrack

  1. pertama download dulu temanya klik disini,atau melalui terminal dengan seperti berikut :

  2. berhubung hasil download saya berada di /dev/sda3 dengan nama Rizal Nurhadi maka saya masuk ke direktory /media/Rizal\ Nurhadi/, (sesuaikan tempat dimana downloadan nya tadi berada,jika di direktory download ya masuk ke direkory tersebut).

    cd /media/Rizal\ Nurhadi/
  3. kemudian unzip tadi.

  4. selanjutnya masuk ke dalam direktory bt-theme / hasil ekstrakannya tadi.

    cd bt-theme/
  5. copy folder bt-icons : kedalam direktory /usr/share/icons

    cp -r bt-icons /usr/share/icons
  6. kemudian copy bt-gtk dan window ke dalam direktory /user/share/themes/

    cp -r bt-gtk bt-window /usr/share/themes
  7. Yang terakhir buka gnome-tweak-tool, jika belum ada install gnome-tweak-tool terlebih dahulu, karena pada dasarnya dikali linux defaultnya belum ada gnome-twek-tool. kemudia setting seperti berikut.

    1. Window theme = bt-window
    2. icon theme        = bt-icons
    3. Gtk + theme     = bt-gtk
  8. Sekarang tinggal mengganti wallpapernya menjadi wallpaper backtrack, waw sukses sekarang Kali Linux menjadi rasa Backtrack. 

Minggu, 28 September 2014

ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)

Here we go............ There are two things that could go wrong here:

1. You don't have permissions to access the directory /var/lib/mysql/whatever.sock because mysql is the owner of the folder
2. /path/whatever.sock doesn't exist.

You can try this though [Linux specific, but what other operating systems are there?]
Go to /etc/my.cnf and change/add the lines:


This way the client and server use the same socket and it's in a public directory. This solves my MySql problems 98% of the time.

Jakub TCP

Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.9-11.ELsmp

Sumber :,27769,59865

Software Pendukung Di Kali Linux Yang Wajib Di Install

Assalamualikum wr.wb...
Selamat Membaca kawan...  

postingan kali ini membahas Software-software pendukung di kali linux yang wajib di install :)mungkin kalian sudah tidak asing lagi sama software-software ini ,tapi apa salahnya saya berbagi :)simak ya kawan-kawan :D 
· Inkscape = software ini berguna mengedit gambar dalam bentuk vektor, mungkin bagi pengguna linux dapat berguna pada kasus tertentu, misal: mengumpulkan data berupa gambar yang sedikit harus di ubah..
· LibreOffice = nah software ini berguna untuk membuka file-file dokumen yang ada di windows, misal: ms.word, ms.excel, ms.pwrpoint, dll..
· Rythmbox Music Player = walaupun udah ada VLC di kali linux, tapi tambahan software ini bisa nemenin diri yang galau saat aksi hacking..
· Blue J = ini di khusus kan untuk Java Proggraming, buat para proggramer biar ga usah bingung kalo mau coding, dan buat para newbie bisa belajar dikit-dikit lah..
·  Lazarus = sama kegunaanya dg BLUE J tapi ini bahasa pascal..
· Google Chrome = yang ini pesaing Iceweasel kalo pengen buka 2 akun FB sekaligus di kali linux.. hehe, mksdnya login di iceweasel juga di Google Chrome juga..
· Cheese = ini software penting banget buat orang eksis kaya saya, hehe. buat cekrek-cekrek webcam lumayan lah.
· Tuxcut = kalo di windows kan Netcut nah di linux namanya Tuxcut, sama halnya netcut, tuxcut ini buat motong koneksi orang lain dalam jaringan yang sama, biar browsingnya ngebut gitu.. hehe
· Team Viewer = buat yang butuh bimbingan saat belajar kali linux ini wajib, cos dari pada guru kita yang jauh di sana di repotin mending pake Team Viewer aja, tinggal ganti deh biaya internet gurunya.. hehe
·  Gnome-Tweak = buat yang butuh tampilan lebih wah. software ini wajib banget tertanam di kali linux anda sekalian, hehe, biar bisa gonta ganti tema gitu.
· RecordMyDesktop = nah ini buat yang mau sharing pengalamannya, gunanya buat rekam aktivitas di laptop/pc kesayangan anda..
Sekian 11 software yang saya rasa wajib di tanam. mungkin masih banyak lagi tapi kalo sekedar pendukung kali linux ya cukup lah,, untuk penginstalan Software tersebut akan menyusul postingan berikutnya.. hehehe

Sumber : Kali Linux Indonesia

Sabtu, 27 September 2014

Cara Install Phpmyadmin di Localhost Kali Linux

hallo kawan kali ini saya akan berbagi tentang Cara Install Phpmyadmin di Localhost Kali Linux.

root@vergos33:~# apache2 -v && mysql -V && php -vServer version: Apache/2.2.22 (Debian)Server built:   Jan 31 2014 18:55:37mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.35, for debian-linux-gnu (i686) using readline 6.2PHP 5.4.4-14+deb7u8 (cli) (built: Feb 18 2014 13:52:21) Copyright (c) 1997-2012 The PHP GroupZend Engine v2.4.0, Croot@vergos303:copyright (c) 1998-2012 Zend Technologiesroot@vergos303:~#

Bila tidak ada tulisan di atas maka tidak akan terjadi apa-apa :D
setelah itu kita harus memulai service apache dan mysql nyaa :D

ini dia commandnyaa :

root@vergos303:~# service apache2 start && mysql service start[....] Starting web server: apache2[Wed Apr 16 15:21:06 2014] [warn] The Alias directive in /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf at line 3 will probably never match because it overlaps an earlier Alias.apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerNamehttpd (pid 27197) already running. ok [ ok ] Starting MySQL database server: mysqld already running.root@vergos303:~# 

okeee !!
service mysql dan apache sudah run :D

sekarang kita ganti user default password di localhost dengan yang ingin kita tentukan di mysqlnya :D
ini dia commandnya :D


root@vergos303:~# mysql -h localhost -u root -p

nah sudah masuk bukan ??
dan disitu juga keluar untuk input command ke konfigurasi mysql :D
Lanjut tentang Cara Install Phpmyadmin di Localhost Kali Linux nya ? :D
oke masukkan lagi command untuk konfigurasi di mysqlnya :D


mysql> set password for root@localhost = password('tulispasswordkamu');

setelah itu ketik exit dan enter :D
setelah itu kita update :D
dengan command di bawah ini :


root@vergos303:~# apt-get update

udah ???
belum kelesss :v :v
kita install duluu phpmyadmin-nya :D


root@vergos303:~# apt-get install phpmyadmin

nah bila di install kita disuruh untuk memasukkan password disitu :)
masukkin password yang kamu set di konfigurasi mysql kamu :D
setelah masukin password tekan spasi di apache2 jangan yang lighthttpd :D
setelah itu tekan ok :D
nah abis selesai install nyaa kita cek terlebih dahulu sudah ada /belum database untuk phpmyadminya :D
dengan command berikut ini :D


root@vergos303:~# mysql -h localhost -u root -p
nah kan kita masuk kembali seperti tadi..
kita masukkan lagi perintah seperti dibawah ini :D


mysql> show databases; (lalu enter)
setelah itu ketik exit lalu enter :D

sudah keluar bukan tabel phpmyadmin nyaa ?? :D
sudah sampe sini ???
belummm euyyy mau kemana sii buru-buru aja :D
lanjut yaaa :D
kita include dluu konfigurasi phpmyadmin apache-nya ke apache2 :)
dengan perintah seperti dibawah ini :D


root@vergos303:~# find /etc -name apache.conf (lalu enter)/etc/phpmyadmin/apache.confroot@vergos303:~# fing /etc -name apache2.conf (lalu enter)/etc/apache2/apache2.confroot@vergos303:~# echo -e "\nInclude /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf" >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf (lalu enter)

setelah itu kita restart service apache2 nya :D
dengan perintah berikut ini :D


root@vergos303:~# service apache2 restart (lalu enter)

nah sampai dengan ini kita sepertinya sukses :D
bisa kita liat phpmyadmin nya dii



lalu anda masukkan password yang sudah dikonfigurasi tadi :D
mudah bukan tutorial yang saya buat tentang Cara Install Phpmyadmin di Localhost Kali Linux ini :D
akhir kata assalamu alaikum wr.wb :)

Sumber :

20 things to do after installing Kali Linux

20 things to do after installing Kali Linux

I’ve compiled a small list of things that I always perform after installing a fresh copy of Kali Linux in this post. Because I got multiple laptops and workstations, I’ve tried to generalize the following instructions to suit everyone’s(including mine??) requirements. This is my top list of 20 things to do after installing Kali Linux. Your requirement’s might be completely different. If you have a suggestion, let me know via comments section. You can comment without registering.. so that’s an easy way to give me feedback and opinion.
20 things to do after installing Kali Linux - blackMORE Ops

Standard Packages:

Standard packages contains anything and everything I found useful. This list if divided into 3 parts:
  • Kali Specific
Kali Linux is a special build from Debian. Kali Linux inherits a lot of the issues from Debian Linux. This section shows you how to resolve of those. They are not specific to Kali Linux only and you might be leave them as it is, but I found that if I see an error my OCD kicks in and I have to make it go away…
  • Useful utilities and Software’s
A collection of utilities and software’s I found useful. These are day to day software’s that are available in most other Linux distributions or at least I think they should be made available as part of a default installation.
  • Enhancements and accessibility
Kali Linux is made to boot up fast and low of resources. But if you have some more CPU and GPU power to spare, you might want to try to make it look more colorful.

Kali Specific:

1. Fix Device not managed error – wired network

If you want NetworkManager to handle interfaces that are enabled in /etc/network/interfaces: Set managed=true in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf. So this file looks like:

How to fix Wired Network interface is Unmanaged error in Debian or Kali Linux - 1  - blackMORE Ops
Read the full article on fixing Wired Network interface “Device not managed” error in Debian or Kali Linux.

2. Fix default repository

The simplest way is to edit the /etc/apt/sources.list remove or comment every-line with # at the front and add the following lines..
 leafpad /etc/apt/sources.list
Comment or remove existing config with the following lines:
## Regular repositories
deb kali main non-free contrib
deb kali/updates main contrib non-free
## Source repositories
deb-src kali main non-free contrib
deb-src kali/updates main contrib non-free
Save and close the file.   Details and explanations can be found in adding official Kali Linux Repositories page.

3. Update, Upgrade, Dist-Upgrade

Clean, update, upgrade and dist-upgrade your Kali installation.
 apt-get clean && apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get dist-upgrade -y

4. Fix PulseAudio warning

My Kali throws me this warning:
[warn] PulseAudio configured for per-user sessions ... (warning).
Debian variants also throws similar warning during boot.To fix this do the following:
leafpad /etc/default/pulseaudio
Find this line:
Replace 0 with 1
Where, 0 = don’t start in system mode, 1 = start in system mode
Details and explanations can be found in Fixing PulseAudio configured for per-user sessions … (warning) in Kali Linux page.

5. Enable sound on Boot

Follow the steps below to fix sound mute in Kali Linux on boot
apt-get install alsa-utils -y
In GNOME Desktop (The default Kali Desktop)
  • Right Click on the small volume ICON and select Sound Preferences
  • Alternatively, you can also go to Applications > System Tools > Preferences  > System Settings > Sound to bring up the same options.
  • Use the Output volume slider to ON, shown similar the screenshot above. That’s it you’re done. Close Sound window.
Fix sound mute in Kali Linux on boot - 2 - blackMORE Ops
Details and explanations can be found in fixing sound mute in Kali Linux on boot page.

Useful utilities and Software’s

6. Install Java

Go to the following link and download jdk7. At the time of writing this guide the jdk version was jdk-7u45-linux-x64. Note that I’m using x64 which is 64-bit. 32-bit users should choose their versions accordingly. Not that tough really!
Oracle Sun Java JDK in Kali Linux

Following is what I’ve used. JDK-7u45-Linux-x64 At the time of writing this guide the available version was jdk-7u45-linux-x64.tar.gz Download and save the file in /root directory.
tar -xzvf /root/jdk-7u45-linux-x64.tar.gz
mv jdk1.7.0_45 /opt
cd /opt/jdk1.7.0_45
This step registers the downloaded version of Java as an alternative, and switches it to be used as the default:
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/jdk1.7.0_45/bin/java 1
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /opt/jdk1.7.0_45/bin/javac 1
update-alternatives --install /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ /opt/jdk1.7.0_45/jre/lib/amd64/ 1
update-alternatives --set java /opt/jdk1.7.0_45/bin/java
update-alternatives --set javac /opt/jdk1.7.0_45/bin/javac
update-alternatives --set /opt/jdk1.7.0_45/jre/lib/amd64/
Follow installing Java JDK in Kali Linux post for step by step instructions and testing options.

7. Install Flash

This is fairly simple and easy and should work from most people out there: In the terminal:
apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree
and then type in:
update-flashplugin-nonfree --install
That’s it. You flash should be working as expected.

Adobe Flash in Kali Linux

Follow installing Flash in Kali Linux post for step by step instructions and testing options. This post also includes manual Flash installation procedures for those whose installation might fail with above mentioned process.

8. Install File Roller – Archive Manager

Kali Linux lacks a proper GUI archive manager. Install it Archive Manager (File Roller) using the following command:
apt-get install unrar unace rar unrar p7zip zip unzip p7zip-full p7zip-rar file-roller -y
You can now find Archive Manager in Applications > Accessories > Archive Manager.

9. Add a standard user

Kali Linux got only root user by default. While most applications require root access, it’s always a good idea to add a second user. Open terminal and type following to create new user (replace user1 with your desired user name)
useradd -m user1
(Note: -m means create home directory which is usually /home/username)
How to add remove user - Standard usernon-root - in Kali Linux - blackMORE Ops -2
Now set password for this user
passwd user1
Enter desired password twice Add user to sudo group (to allow user to install software, allow printing, use privileged mode etc.)
usermod -a -G sudo user1
(Note: -a means append or add and –G mean to specified group/groups) Change default shell of previously created user to bash
chsh -s /bin/bash user1
To learn more, follow this excellent and detailed post on adding remove user (standard user/non-root) in Kali Linux. This post explains how to add a user with all user directories already in place (thereby avoiding “Could not update .ICEauthority var/lib/gdm3/.ICEauthority” or any error containing .ICEauthority or permission in general.

10. Add add-apt-repository

Debian allows users to add and use PPA repositories by an application named add-apt-repository however, Kali Linux didn’t include this in their default package list. With Kali, because this is a special purpose application and certain modifications were made to make it work for what it does best (Penetration Test). To enable PPA Repository via add-apt-repository application, follow the steps below: First install Python Software properties package.
apt-get install python-software-properties
Next install apt-file
apt-get install apt-file
Update apt-file.
apt-file update
This takes a while, so in case your apt-file update is SLOW, you might want to try and fix that as well. (Note that I got in my /etc/apt/sources.list file instead of Once apt-file update is complete, you should be able to search for it.
apt-file search add-apt-repository
Your output should look similar to this:
python-software-properties: /usr/bin/add-apt-repository
python-software-properties: /usr/share/man/man1/add-apt-repository.1.gz
The default add-apt-repository application located in (/usr/bin/add-apt-repository) works for Debian. So if you’re using Kali, chances are it won’t work. There’s a nice fix for that which I will add at the bottom of this post, (try them on VirtualBox if you feel like). But I found we can just mimic Ubuntu Oneiric to make add-apt-repository work.
cd /usr/sbin
vi add-apt-repository
Add the following code and save the file.
if [ $# -eq 1 ]
NM=`uname -a && date`
NAME=`echo $NM | md5sum | cut -f1 -d" "`
  ppa_name=`echo "$1" | cut -d":" -f2 -s`
  if [ -z "$ppa_name" ]
    echo "PPA name not found"
    echo "Utility to add PPA repositories in your debian machine"
    echo "$0 ppa:user/ppa-name"
    echo "$ppa_name"
    echo "deb$ppa_name/ubuntu oneiric main " >> /etc/apt/sources.list
    apt-get update >> /dev/null 2> /tmp/${NAME}_apt_add_key.txt
    key=`cat /tmp/${NAME}_apt_add_key.txt | cut -d":" -f6 | cut -d" " -f3`
    apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys $key
    rm -rf /tmp/${NAME}_apt_add_key.txt
  echo "Utility to add PPA repositories in your debian machine"
  echo "$0 ppa:user/ppa-name"
Note: In this line echo "deb$ppa_name/ubuntu oneiric main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list I’ve used Oneiric. You can try to use Lucid, Raring or Saucy as per your choice. Now chmod and chown the file.
chmod o+x /usr/sbin/add-apt-repository 
chown root:root /usr/sbin/add-apt-repository
Now that we added the correct code, we can use add-apt-repository to add a PPA repository. I tried the following to add themes and custom icons in Kali Linux.
/usr/sbin/add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/themes
/usr/sbin/add-apt-repository ppa:alecive/antigone

Kali Linux add PPA repository add-apt-repository - adding PPA Repository using add-apt-repository - 7 - blackMORE Ops
I’ve removed all screenshots from this post, but if you want see read and understand how it all works, I suggest reading the details post on  adding PPA repository add-apt-repository in Kali Linux.

11. Install Tor

Tor is free software and an open network that helps you defend against traffic analysis, a form of network surveillance that threatens personal freedom and privacy, confidential business activities and relationships, and state security. This guide guides your through installing tor in Kali Linux. Tor protects you by bouncing your communications around a distributed network of relays run by volunteers all around the world: it prevents somebody watching your Internet connection from learning what sites you visit, and it prevents the sites you visit from learning your physical location.

How to install Tor - logo - blackMORE Ops

Tor is available in Kali repository, to install it directly from the repository open your Terminal and type this:
apt-get install tor
Enable tor service from command line:
service tor start
Browse with confident by using proxychains and tor
proxychains iceweasel
To keep things simple in this post, I’ve only shows one part of using Tor. You might want to read the full details in Installing Tor In Kali Linux post.

12. Install Filezilla FTP Client

No Linux installation is complete with a proper fully fledged FTP Client. Filezilla is the best out there, so install Filezilla using the following command:
apt-get install filezilla filezilla-common -y

13. Install HTOP and NetHogs

This is a special one, HTOP shows running process and memory used including many more details. (you could use top command, but HTOP is just more useful). NetHogs is useful and it shows traffic used by applications per interface. Install them using the following command:
apt-get install htop nethogs -y
You can now run then using the following commands:
nethogs eth0
nethogs wlan0
I’m almost certain, you’ll enjoy using these tiny tools.

14. Install proprietary drivers for your Graphics card

Depending on which graphics card you’re using, (AMD or NVIDIA), you might want to install proprietary drivers to unlock more features. There’s some excellent post I’ve made on Install AMD ATI proprietary driver (fglrx) in Kali Linux.

Install AMD ATI Driver (fglrx) in Kali Linux 1.x - blackMORE Ops

NVIDIA users can just stick to the official documentation for installing NVIDIA Drivers. In case, official documentation is not working or you’ve hit rock bottom, you can try following this other post I’ve written to install NVIDIA binary drivers manually.
How to Install Nvidia Kernel Module Cuda and Pyrit in Kali Linux - blackMORE Ops

15. Install Recordmydesktop and Reminna Remote Desktop Client

Recordmydesktop gives you the ability to record and make a video of your activities in Kali Linux. Remmina is simialar to Windows Remote Desktop Client. Both very useful. Install them using the following command:
apt-get install gtk-recordmydesktop recordmydesktop remmina -y

16. Install GDebi Package Manager

dpkg is a powerful tool, but it doesn’t install dependencies automatically. What we need is some package installer that can go out and fetch all required dependencies while installing a .deb package. The best one out there is gdebi. Install it using the following command:
apt-get install gdebi -y

10 - Install Skype in Kali Linux - apt-get install gdebi - blackMORE Ops

Enhancements and accessibility

17. Install a theme

Installing theme and revving up your desktop is a great idea. Kali default desktop is dull and boring. There’s two different ways you can change theme.
  1. Manually install theme
  2. Install theme via PPA repository
Read details here to and find out how to change or install GTK3 themes in Kali Linux.
10 - Enable MAC OSX Theme and ICONS - Change Install Theme in Kali Linux - GTK 3 themes - blackMORE Ops

18. Install a new desktop environment (I prefer XFCE).

I prefer XFCE Desktop, but you can try to install/remove different Desktop Environments or Window Manager in Kali Linux Depending on which one you need choose links below:
  1. How to install/remove XFCE Desktop Environment in Kali Linux
  2. How to install/remove different KDE Desktop Environments in Kali Linux
  3. How to install/remove LXDE Desktop Environment in Kali Linux
  4. How to install/remove GNOME Desktop Environment on Kali Linux
  5. How to install/remove Cinnamon Desktop Environment in Kali Linux
  6. How to install/remove MATE Desktop Environment in Kali Linux
Finally, follow follow these instructions to permanently switch Desktop Environments.(i.e. boot into XFCE instead of GNOME).

How to install remove GNOME Desktop Environment on Kali Linux - blackMORE Ops

19. Enable Autologin user

It’s a simple change. Just open and edit the file called /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf, assuming you’re using GNOME Display Manager(gmd3) a your main Display Manager. You might want to try out other desktops as well. Here’s a link to Add/Remove different desktop Managers in Kali Linux.

root@kali:~# leafpad /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf

In the daemon section un-comment the 2 lines for automatic login. It should finally look like this
# Enabling automatic login
  AutomaticLoginEnable = true
  AutomaticLogin = root

That’s it. Too easy. In case you’re wondering how to use a different user than root, here’s how
# Enabling automatic login
  AutomaticLoginEnable = true
  AutomaticLogin = myanotheruser

Auto login root user at system start in Kali Linux - GNOME and KDE - blackMORE Ops

Last but not the least, reboot to check if it worked. (which it will, cause it’s Linux and Kali is awesome)

You might want to follow up on this one or if you’re KDE user, then here’s the instructions to Auto login root user at system start in Kali Linux – GNOME and KDE. This article also shows how to auto-login a different non-root user… quite handy.

More Advanced stuffs:

This part explains how to get more out of your system, specially Graphics card.

20. Unlock GPU processing

Last but not the least, GPU processing is a lot faster when you’re trying to break a password. Depending on your Graphics card,  you choose options as outlined below:
a. AMD
Then follow rest of the guides here
I found that official documentation for installing NVIDIA Drivers doesn’t work for Kali Linux due to a UVM error. Following two posts will take you through installing NVIDIA official driver and CUDA+Pyrit (updated 26/08/2014)

What can I do with Kali Linux?

You can do a lot. Here’s some starting guides for those who are interested: (updated 03/09/2014)

Cracking Wifi WPA/WPA2 passwords

Cracking password hashes

DOS/DDOS attacks

Metasploit related

SQLMap and Google Dorks

These are some of the guides I have in They will surely keep you busy for few days. I suggest looking around in Kali forums and generally Google for more interesting stuffs.


Hope you’ve found these useful. You might not have to use all of these, but some are definitely recommended. Thanks for reading. Please share.

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